Ted Venners


Theodore (Ted) Venners, born in Germany, began his energy career in 1978 when he and his partner formed Ft. Union Coal Mine near Gillette, Wyoming in the United States, which he sold to TOTAL Petroleum of France. Ted directed operations of the first commercial KFuel plant after working with SRI International on various clean fuel burning technologies. He also owned and operated an oil, gas and pipeline company near Abilene, Texas for almost two decades.

Ted uses his substantial experience in the coal, oil and gas industries within China, the US and beyond. Now specializing in commercial clean energy technologies and carbon trading. Since that time, Ted has gone on to be an innovator in the alternative energy industry.

Ted served as Chairman of C-Lock Technologies, which calculates and measures carbon emissions to create carbon credits. Recognized for his leadership in the energy industry, Ted was appointed by President Reagan as a Charter Member of the National Coal Council, which advised the Secretary of Energy for eight years. He has been guest speaker at many conferences around the world on clean energy carbon trading and corporate sustainability.

During the Clinton administration, he served on the Sustainable Cities Initiative where he proposed Kaliningrad as the select city and worked on rehabilitating its district heating system.

His early career was as executive assistant to the Governor of South Dakota followed by a successful Real Estate development company. Prior to COVID, Ted spent 12 years between China and the US developing GreenCertTM and the China-US Club to establish better business relations with entrepreneurs and public companies. The China-US Club provides Chinese companies with environmental sustainability programs and investment opportunities worldwide.

Ted is co-owner of GreenCertTM, a technology that monitors, reports and verifies carbon emissions worldwide.

He is currently President, CEO and co-founder of Healthy Apparel’s dba company C-POLAR Innovations, a research, development, and distribution company for C-POLAR products to include Personal Protective Wear (PPW™).

Ted is also Executive Chairman and CEO of C-POLAR Technologies, Inc. C-POLAR captures, inactivates, and eradicates up to 99.99% of pathogens, which include virus, bacteria, mold, and pollen.